Feedback, Suggestions and Complaints
All Units in the Heartwood Foundation Course contain a structured Feedback activity, and we encourage learners to use the Forums and the messaging system on the LMS to make suggestions and raise issues on all aspects of study.
If you have a particular complaint or grievance about any aspect of the course, please raise it with Nikki Harrison by emailing in the first instance.
Academic support is available in a number of ways. General questions can be raised with the course tutors during regular online seminars and text-chat sessions, and in the Unit forums.
Particular and individual issues can be raised via the LMS direct messaging system and also, where appropriate, via email. Any learner requiring specific learning support should contact Nikki Harrison at, who will organise appropriate referral and help to address support needs.
Nikki can also advise on how to get help with any personal, health or pastoral issues that may arise during your studies, and where appropriate, can introduce you to local herbal medicine practitioners affiliated to Heartwood who are willing to offer concessionary consultation rates to Heartwood learners.
If you have difficulties using the LMS, help is available and you are strongly encouraged to use it as early and often as you like by emailing