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foundation_course_students:fc_faq [2020/12/01 22:48]
foundation_course_students:fc_faq [2025/03/05 12:20] (current)
jake [Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions]
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-====== Frequently Asked Questions  ======  +====== Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions======
-{{ :fc:fc_faq:hwfc.png?200 |}} +
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-//<color #4AA5C7 >We often receive similar questions from students, especially at the start of a new course. This page features some of the common questions and answers.</color> 
-===== Webinars =====  
-Heartwood webinars are live events, but they are always recorded and archived so that they are available for all learners to view at any time. When you view a recorded webinar, the fact that you have watched it is ‘logged’ on the LMS, and counts as attendance for assessment purposes. 
-Moreover, you are still able to post questions to the webinar leader after you have viewed a recording, so missing a live webinar session (because of family, work or other prior commitments) will neither detract from your learning nor adversely affect your fulfilment of assessment criteria.+//**<color #009bc1>Updated December 2022</color>**//
-===== Reading list and shopping list =====  
-The Foundation Course provides all the key learning materials that you will need, as well as links to relevant external resources including photos and videos.  
-There is a textbook for the Foundation Course written by Anita Ralph and Mary Tassell called [[https://www.aeonbooks.co.uk/product/native-healers-foundations-in-western-herbal-medicine/93838//|//Native Healers: Foundations in Western Herbal Medicine//]]. It is not essential to have this book to do the course, but if you wish to purchase it, it is available from the publishers Aeon Books. There has been an introductory offer for Heartwood students, so please check with your tutors to see if this is still available. 
-Please see our [[fc:fc_books:fc_further_reading|suggested reading list]] for lots of other suggestions on books related to herbal medicine that the tutors have found helpful or inspirationalBooks, are not absolutely essential purchases, but both are fun to use and excellent learning tools, and all the suggested books (particularly good field guide) will be useful later on in the Professional Course and beyond.+We often receive similar questions from students, especially at the start of a new course. This page features some of the common questions and answers. 
 +===== Webinars =====  
 +Heartwood webinars are live events, but they are always recorded and archived so that they are available for all learners to view at any time. When you view recorded webinar, the fact that you have watched it is ‘logged’ on the LMS, and counts as attendance for assessment purposes.
-A hand lens is way of bringing plants alive before your eyesbut magnifying glass will do if a hand lens is not easily obtainable. Most herbalists use their hand lens fairly regularlyand they are invaluable on herb walks.+Moreover, you are still able to post questions to the webinar leader after you have viewed recordingso missing live webinar session (because of familywork or other prior commitments) will neither detract from your learning nor adversely affect your fulfilment of assessment criteria.
 ===== Computer equipment =====  ===== Computer equipment ===== 
 The courses have been designed to be cross-platform, and are accessible to both Mac and PC users. The courses have been designed to be cross-platform, and are accessible to both Mac and PC users.
-The learning platform we use is Moodle. Moodle does not, however, guarantee compatibility with Internet Explorer, so we test the user experience on Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, and recommend that you use one of these when accessing the course. You should try to use only the most up-to-date versions of these browsers, and your operating system must be the most up to date that your computer allows.+The learning platform we use is Moodle. Moodle does not guarantee compatibility with Internet Explorer, but works with its replacement browser, Microsoft Edge. We test the user experience on Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, so if you have problems on another browser, we recommend that you use one of these when accessing the course. You should try to use only the most up-to-date versions of these browsers, and your operating system must be the most up to date that your computer allows
 +The only thing that may limit ease of access to the course materials is the speed of your internet connection. Basic broadband packages are usually more than adequate, but slower systems can work better when there is a direct connection to the router, via an Ethernet cable, rather than using wi-fi.
-The only thing that may limit ease of access to the course materials is the +Heartwood courses are also compatible with Android and iOS (and phones and tablets can be great ways to watch video content)but in general we recommend using a computer whenever possible.
-speed of your internet connection. Basic broad band packages are usually +
-more than adequate, but slower systems can work better when there is a +
-direct connection to the routervia an Ethernet cable, rather than using wi-fi.+
-Heartwood courses are also compatible with Android and iOS (and phones +Downloadable materials are in .ppt or .pptx format for slides, and .doc, .docx and pdf format for documents; .doc and .docx materials can be read by Microsoft OfficeLibreOffice and iWork suites. On mobile platforms, you may need to download an app to read them.
-and tablets can be great ways to watch video content)but in general we +
-recommend using a computer whenever possible.+
-Downloadable materials are in .ppt or .pptx format for slides, and .doc, .docx +All further questions about compatibility can be sent to support@heartwoodteam.net [[mailto:support@heartwoodteam.net]].
-and pdf format for documents. Doc and docx materials can be read by +
-Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and iWork suites. On mobile platforms, you may +
-need to download an app to read them. +
-All further questions about compatibility can be sent to+