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foundation_course_students:fc_faq [2021/12/07 13:53]
pieterm [Shopping List]
foundation_course_students:fc_faq [2025/03/05 12:20] (current)
jake [Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions]
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-====== Frequently Asked Questions  ======  +====== Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions======
-{{ :fc:fc_faq:hwfc.png?200 |}} +
-//**Updated December 2021**//+
-//<color #4AA5C7 >We often receive similar questions from students, especially at the start of a new course. This page features some of the common questions and answers.</color> +//**<color #009bc1>Updated December 2022</color>**// 
 +We often receive similar questions from students, especially at the start of a new course. This page features some of the common questions and answers. 
 ===== Webinars =====  ===== Webinars ===== 
 Heartwood webinars are live events, but they are always recorded and archived so that they are available for all learners to view at any time. When you view a recorded webinar, the fact that you have watched it is ‘logged’ on the LMS, and counts as attendance for assessment purposes. Heartwood webinars are live events, but they are always recorded and archived so that they are available for all learners to view at any time. When you view a recorded webinar, the fact that you have watched it is ‘logged’ on the LMS, and counts as attendance for assessment purposes.