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foundation_course_students:fc_handbook:staff_policy [2021/12/07 14:39]
pieterm created
foundation_course_students:fc_handbook:staff_policy [2021/12/07 14:40] (current)
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-====== STAFF POLICY ======+====== Staff Policy======
 All Heartwood staff recognise their ethical and professional responsibility to protect the interests of learners. In situations where a conflict of interest may arise, particularly where a learner and staff member have a family or close personal relationship, then that staff member should not take part in the following in relation to that student: All Heartwood staff recognise their ethical and professional responsibility to protect the interests of learners. In situations where a conflict of interest may arise, particularly where a learner and staff member have a family or close personal relationship, then that staff member should not take part in the following in relation to that student: