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foundation_course_students:heartwood_apa_concise_referencing_guide [2021/08/24 12:01]
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-====== Heartwood APA Referencing Guide ======+====== Foundation Course: APA Referencing Guide====== 
 +//**<color #009bc1>Updated December 2022</color>**//
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   * **List of References** at the end of the assignment, which gives the full details of each source.     * **List of References** at the end of the assignment, which gives the full details of each source.  
 APA referencing is widely used in health and medicine and was developed by the American Psychological Association.  The APA style of referencing is detailed in a manual, currently in its 7th edition, and so the current version of APA is known as ‘APA 7th’. If you are using any digital tools to help you produce your references, then you will need to make sure that you use the settings for APA 7th.  APA referencing is widely used in health and medicine and was developed by the American Psychological Association.  The APA style of referencing is detailed in a manual, currently in its 7th edition, and so the current version of APA is known as ‘APA 7th’. If you are using any digital tools to help you produce your references, then you will need to make sure that you use the settings for APA 7th. 
-For your assignments at Heartwood, you will be expected to follow APA 7th referencing, as detailed in this guide.   
 ===== In-text citations ===== ===== In-text citations =====
 Wherever you have written about information or ideas that you have read about, you must cite the source using the **author’s surname and the year** of publication, in brackets.  This is known as an in-text citation and often occurs at the end of the sentence e.g. Wherever you have written about information or ideas that you have read about, you must cite the source using the **author’s surname and the year** of publication, in brackets.  This is known as an in-text citation and often occurs at the end of the sentence e.g.
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 The list is in **alphabetical order** and should start on a new page at the end of your assignment.  When you alphabetise your references by author's surname, proceed letter by letter disregarding any spaces, capitalization, hyphens, apostrophes, full stops or accent marks e.g. De Vargas would go under D; van den Oord would go under V. The list is in **alphabetical order** and should start on a new page at the end of your assignment.  When you alphabetise your references by author's surname, proceed letter by letter disregarding any spaces, capitalization, hyphens, apostrophes, full stops or accent marks e.g. De Vargas would go under D; van den Oord would go under V.
 +Bibliography: This is a second list, in the same format as the reference list but instead it includes sources that you read or consulted, but didn’t actually cite in the assignment. For most assignments you will only need a reference list, but sometimes you might also choose to include a bibliography to indicate your background reading.
 Bibliography: This is a second list, in the same format as the reference list but instead it includes sources that you read or consulted, but didn’t actually cite in the assignment. For most assignments you will only need a reference list, but sometimes you might also choose to include a bibliography to indicate your background reading. Bibliography: This is a second list, in the same format as the reference list but instead it includes sources that you read or consulted, but didn’t actually cite in the assignment. For most assignments you will only need a reference list, but sometimes you might also choose to include a bibliography to indicate your background reading.
 ===== Example Reference list ===== ===== Example Reference list =====
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 Royal Horticultural Society. (n.d.) Symphytum officinale. https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/17886/i-Symphytum-officinale-i/Details  Royal Horticultural Society. (n.d.) Symphytum officinale. https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/17886/i-Symphytum-officinale-i/Details 
-===== Referencing for Herbal Medicine ===== 
-Writing about herbal medicine often involves using a wide range of texts, from traditional herbals to medical manuals.  This list has been compiled based on queries asked by Heartwood students.  If you have a query about something that is not listed here then please post it in the [[https://heartwood-uk.net/lms/mod/forum/view.php?id=90492|Heartwood Referencing Queries]]  
-__**Culpeper’s Complete Herbal**__ 
-To reference a modern reprint of Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, add the original publication date to the in-text citation: 
-  … (Culpeper, 1653/2007). 
-  Culpeper (1653/2007) suggests that … 
-**Reference list entry:** 
-Culpeper, N. (2007). Complete Herbal. Wordsworth. (Original work published 1653). 
-__**Traditional texts online**__ 
-A number of traditional texts are now available to read online, such as Mrs Grieve and the texts on Henriette’s Herbal.   To reference these, set them out as a website but use the original author and year e.g. 
-  … (Grieve, 1931). 
-  Grieve (1931) suggests that … 
-Grieve, M. (1931). A modern herbal. https://botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/c/cohblu84.html  
-  …. (Ellingwood, 1908). 
-  Ellingwood (1908) describes … 
-Ellingwood, F. (1908). Ellingwood’s Therapeutist. Vol 2. https://www.henriettes-herb.com/eclectic/journals/elth/elth1908/09-caulophyllum.html  
-__**Commission E Monographs**__ 
-The Commission E monographs are available as a book and also online on the American Botanical Council (ABC) website.  The book is referenced as follows: 
-  …. (Blumenthal et al., 1998). 
-  Blumenthal et al. (1998) state that … 
-Blumenthal, M., Busse, W. R., & Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (Germany). (1998). The complete German Commission E monographs. American Botanical Council. 
-**To reference a particular monograph from the website:** 
-  … (American Botanical Council 2000). 
-  According to the America Botanical Council (2000), …  
-American Botanical Council. (2000). Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E: Hawthorn Berry. http://cms.herbalgram.org/expandedE/Hawthornberry.html  
-__**British Pharmaceutical Codex**__ 
-The author of the British Pharmaceutical Codex is the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 
-  … (Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain). 
-  The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (1959) describe … 
-Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (1959). British Pharmaceutical Codex. The Pharmaceutical Press. 
-__**FAO Codex Alimentarius**__ 
-  … (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO], 2017). 
-  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2017) state that … 
-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO]. (2017). Standard for olive oils and olive pomace oils. CX 33-1981. http://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/sh-proxy/en/?lnk=1&url=https%253A%252F%252Fworkspace.fao.org%252Fsites%252Fcodex%252FStandards%252FCXS%2B33-1981%252FCXS_033e.pdf   
-The official author of the BNF is the Joint Formulary Committee.    
-  … (Joint Formulary Committee, 2018). 
-  The Joint Formulary Committee (2018) state that … 
-Joint Formulary Committee. (2018). British National Formulary. 76th ed. London: BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press. 
-__**Merck manual**__ 
-  … (Ruenger, 2021). 
-  Ruenger (2021) describes … 
-Ruenger, T. (2021). Atopic Dermatitis (eczema). https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/dermatologic-disorders/dermatitis/atopic-dermatitis-eczema?query=atopic%20dermatitis  
-__**Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)**__ 
-The author of the DSM is the American Psychiatric Association.  The most recent edition is the fifth edition (DSM-V).   
-  … (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 
-  According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), anxiety is characterised by … 
-American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Anxiety Disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm05 
-  …. (Medicinal Plant Name Services [MPNS], 2021). 
-  According to Medicinal Plant Name Services (MPNS, 2021) … 
-Medicinal Plant Name Services [MPNS]. (2021) Mandragora officinarum. Kew Science. https://mpns.science.kew.org/mpns-portal/plantDetail?plantId=506563&query=mandragora&filter=&fuzzy=false&nameType=all&dbs=wcsCmp 
-__**Conference papers and presentations**__ 
-  … (Chevallier, 2020). 
-  Chevallier (2020) points out that … 
-Chevallier, A. (2020). Three key herbs for the cardiovascular system at work in the older patient [Conference presentation]. Hein Zeylstra Memorial Lecture, NIMH Conference 2020. https://whova.com/embedded/event/herba_202010/?utc_source=ems# 
-__**Audio-visual material**__ 
-**TED talk:** 
-  … (Scrivener, 2020). 
-  Scrivener (2020) argues that … 
-Scrivener, K. (2020). A concrete idea to reduce carbon emissions [video]. TED conferences. https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_scrivener_a_concrete_idea_to_reduce_carbon_emissions  
-**Youtube video** 
-  … (APA University, 2019). 
-  APA University (2019) demonstrated that … 
-APA University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guRoWTYfxMs 
-  … (Hyman, 2021). 
-  … Hyman (2021) suggests that … 
-Hyman, M. (Host). (2021, May 21). Is brain inflammation the cause of depression, dementia, ADD, and autism? A functional medicine approach to neuroinflammation (No. 57) [Audio podcast episode]. In The Doctor’s Farmacy https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/is-brain-inflammation-cause-depression-dementia-add/id1382804627?i=1000522897965 
-__**Lecture notes**__ 
-Unless your assignment brief states that you can use lecture notes as references you should stick to referencing published sources (books, journal articles etc).  If you do need to reference a lesson then set it out as follows: 
-  … (Bendle, 2020). 
-  Bendle (2020) describes … 
-Bendle, C. (2020). PC101 Herbal Traditions Term 1 Lesson 2: //Urtica dioica//, Stinging nettle. [PowerPoint slides]. https://heartwood-uk.net/lms/course/view.php?id=652 
-__**Referencing sources with the same author and date**__ 
-If you have more than one source by the same author produced in the same year then include a lower case letter after the publication year, in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry. 
-  (Bendle, 2020a) 
-  (Bendle, 2020b) 
-Bendle, C. (2020a). PC101 Herbal Traditions Term 1 Lesson 2: Urtica dioica, Stinging nettle. [PowerPoint slides]. https://heartwood-uk.net/lms/course/view.php?id=652 
-Bendle, C. (2020b). PC101 Herbal Traditions Term 1 Lesson 4: Taraxacum officinale, Dandelion. [PowerPoint slides]. https://heartwood-uk.net/lms/course/view.php?id=652 
-For every image, even on a title page you should provide a caption under the image, which includes a title and a citation in brackets e.g. 
-Figure 2. //Mandragora officinarum// L. (Gregory, n.d.) 
-If the image does not have a title in the original publication, then come up with one that describes the image. 
-Put the full details of the image in the Reference list at the end of the assignment as follows: 
-  Gregory, S. (n.d). Mandragora officinarum L. [Photograph]. http://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:816733-1 
-If the image is your own then you can either use you own name in the citation or ‘Author’s own image’.  If the image is unpublished, you do not add it to the reference list.  
-  Figure 1: Image title (Author's own image) 
-  Figure 1: Image title (Your name) 
-__**Personal Communications **__ 
-Referencing is usually only for published work but you can cite information you have obtained personally (such as verbal information, emails or personal recipes) by using a personal communication citation.  However, this method does involve using the person's name so you should only use this method if you have their permission and it would be appropriate to do so.   
-  … (J. Bloggs, personal communication, January 28, 2021). 
-  Joe Bloggs (personal communication, January 28, 2021) developed the recipe … 
-You do not put anything in the reference list as the information isn’t publicly available. 
-Testimonials about a product or service often just use initials / and or occupation to give a sense of the person, without revealing their identity e.g. 
-  "The lessons were great" (B.B. 2nd year student) 
-Another option for testimonial quotes in an assignment is to ensure the sentence introducing the info makes it clear where it is from (in a similar way to a newspaper article). e.g. 
-  Testimonials were gathered from users, who commented: "It tasted lovely". 
-Testimonials do not have reference list entries. 
-__**Traditional Knowledge and Oral Traditions**__ 
-To refer to traditional knowledge that has not been recorded or incorporated into a publication, for example if you spoke to an indigenous person directly, you should provide as much detail as you can in the main text and then use the personal communication citation.   
-  We spoke with Anna Grant (Haida Nation, lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, personal communication, April 2019) about traditional understandings of the world by First Nations Peoples in Canada. She described . . . 
-Personal communications do not have entries in the reference list.   
-To demonstrate respect for indigenous people and perspectives you should capitalise the names of specific groups (e.g. Cherokee, Cree, Ojibwe) and words relating to indigenous culture (e.g., Creation, the Creator, Elder, Oral Tradition, Traditional Knowledge, Vision Quest).   
-For more information, see the [[https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/personal-communications|APA guide to personal communications]] 
-__**Referencing Acts of Parliament**__ 
-In the text, provide the name of the act and the year.  
-  As stated in the Data Protection Act 2018, …  
-Acts of parliament are not included in the reference list. 
-__**Referencing sources in other languages**__ 
-In the reference list entry include the title in the original language, followed by the translated title in square brackets. 
-  … (de Saint-Exupéry, 1943). 
-de Saint-Exupéry, A. (1943). //Le petit prince// [The little prince]. Gallimard.