====== Foundation Course: Activities====== The foundation course consists of 12 units. Each month a new unit is released containing various activities. Students are encouraged to complete these within any given month. Students are able to complete any outstanding unit activities (excepting the activities with specific deadlines listed below) until the official close of their FC course. This is 6 weeks after the release of unit 12. **However, for the following activities, there is a hard deadline which will be stated on each unit (generally 6 weeks from the unit release date):** ====Unit 4: Activity 1 – History and Folklore Activity Forum (feedback only)====== {{ unit_4_activity_instructions_and_marking_criteria_updated_2024.pdf | Activity instructions and marking criteria Unit 4}}\\ \\ ==== Unit 5: Activity 2 – Berries Assignment (feedback only) ==== {{ unit_5_activity_instructions_and_marking_criteria_updated_2024.pdf |Activity instructions and marking criteria Unit 5}} \\ \\ ==== Unit 8: Activity 3 – Spice Assignment (graded)==== {{ :foundation_course_students:unit_8_spice_assignment_revised_2024-1.pdf |Activity instructions and marking criteria Unit 8}} \\ \\ ====Unit 9: Activity 4 – Bitters Activity Forum (feedback only) ==== {{ :foundation_course_students:unit_9_assisgnment_updated_2024.pdf |Activity instructions and marking criteria Unit 9}} \\ \\ ====Unit 12: Activity 5 – Monograph (graded)==== \\ {{ :foundation_course_students:unit_12_monograph_activity_updated_2024.pdf |Activity instructions and marking criteria Unit 12}} \\ \\ ==== Please note ==== In order to successfully complete the Foundation Course with a certificate, these activities have to be completed by the required date, either by participating as indicated on the activity forums or by uploading a PDF for written assignments and the monograph. Late submission for any of the activities with a specific deadline will result in a student not receiving a certificate (with grade) for the Foundation Course. Students are most welcome to take part in the complete Foundation Course without completing assignments, but they will not receive a certificate or grade. Please ensure you read the {{:foundation_course_students:activities_and_deadlines_policy_and_application_form.pdf |Activities and Deadlines Policy}}. ----