Disciplinary Procedures

Should a disciplinary issue arise, Heartwood normally adopts a 3-stage procedure with a warning email sent at each stage detailing the nature of the problem, and the steps required by the learner to resolve it. Failure to comply after the receipt of a third warning email may result in a learner being suspended or excluded from the course.

A member of Heartwood staff who identifies, or who is made aware of, the misconduct shall draw it to the attention of the learner. This interaction must be recorded and will be drawn to the attention of the Course Director in writing, and the learner informed that this is happening. A disciplinary meeting will be arranged and, if a written warning is issued, a report will be issued by the Course Director to the Trustees of the Education Fund.

A learner who is the subject of a complaint of misconduct or against whom a criminal charge is pending or who is subject of a police investigation, may be suspended or excluded by Heartwood pending the disciplinary hearing or the trial.

No learner will be suspended or excluded unless she or he has been given an opportunity to make representation in person to the Course Director and a Trustee of the Education Fund. If for any reason it is not possible for a learner to attend in person, he or she will be allowed to make written representation.

Notwithstanding the above, Heartwood reserves the right to summarily exclude students for acts of gross misconduct without the need to follow the above warning procedure.

Appeals Process

A student aggrieved by a decision to suspend or exclude shall have the right to appeal to Heartwood within 10 working days of such suspension or exclusion.

Grounds for the appeal should be sent in writing to the Course Director who will convene an appeal panel comprising 2 Trustees of the Education Fund and a senior academic from another educational institution. The learner has the right to be accompanied by a person of their choosing.

Following the appeal meeting, a copy of minutes taken and a letter outlining the outcome of the appeal will be sent to the student in writing within 10 days.