Table of Contents

Online Safety and Integrity


Given the key role played by information technology in the delivery of its courses and educational programs, the integrity of Heartwood’s computer systems must not be jeopardised. There are, accordingly, a number of basic rules and procedures that should be followed by all learners, and failure to comply with these may lead to disciplinary action being taken.

Obligations of learners

Learners are required to comply in every respect with the Regulations and Conditions of Use of the Heartwood Learning Management System (and associated systems) as set out below.

In doing so they must:

Detailed regulations and conditions

Heartwood does not tolerate racial or sexual harassment in any form whatsoever or any discrimination on racial or ethnic grounds or on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, and political or religious beliefs. This includes any material created or distributed using Heartwood IT systems.

Enrolled learners are expected to exercise responsible and appropriate behaviour when using Heartwood IT systems, and to observe all relevant laws, whether UK or foreign, including:

Learners who post materials such as photos, videos, audio recordings and text extracts must ensure that they have obtained the requisite permission to do so. Explicit permission must also be obtained for the use of Heartwood’s name or logo in any publication, including documents made available on the internet.

Access to the systems

Learners are provided with access to the Heartwood Learning Management System by means of a username and password. Users must take all reasonable steps to keep their passwords confidential and not disclose them to anyone else. If an enrolled learner believes that his or her password has become known to anyone else, the password should be changed at the earliest opportunity. Any user who, for whatever reason, comes to know the password of any other user must not attempt to obtain access to the Learning Management System using that password nor disclose it to any other person. Use of a password by anyone other than the authorised person will be treated as serious misconduct.

All reasonable efforts will be employed to ensure that Learning Management System will be made accessible to all learners, regardless of disability, who have a legitimate reason for using them. Heartwood seeks to explore the potential of information technology to assist disabled students to engage in their chosen course of studies and, in particular, to carry out any associated course requirements and academic tasks, so far as resources allow.


Failure to observe these regulations and procedures will be considered a serious matter by Heartwood and may result in the learners right to access the IT facilities being withdrawn. Misuse of the Heartwood IT systems may also result in court proceedings. Learners will be held responsible for any claims brought against Heartwood for any legal action resulting from their unauthorised use of its IT systems.