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Contact Information

You should ensure that we are kept up to date of your contact details so that all important communications reach you. Please also ensure that your personal profile on the Learning Management System is complete and up-to-date at all times.

Contact information for all tutors and Heartwood staff is available on the Learning Management System. In the event of any additional queries, please email


Participation in the Heartwood Foundation Course requires commitment and taking full advantage of the learning opportunities it provides, understanding that the learning achieved will derive from a readiness to participate fully in all the learning activities offered.

The value that comes from making a personal commitment of time, effort and intellectual investment is enormous, and it is important to be organised and to plan your work schedule carefully. Be aware of any special course dates or deadlines, and work to those, making sure you are adequately prepared for all tasks.

Study Interruption and Withdrawal

Circumstances may arise where it becomes necessary for a learner to interrupt their studies, or withdraw from studies altogether, for unforeseen reasons. Application for withdrawal from or interruption of studies should be made by emailing at the earliest opportunity.

Heartwood endeavours to provide every opportunity to enable learners who have interrupted their studies to complete the course, though this may not be possible in all cases. Heartwood reserves the right to withdraw or reconfigure aspects of the learning experience in such cases.


Should you decide to withdraw during the first 10 days, if you have paid the whole course fee in advance, your registration fee of £95 will retained and the rest refunded.

If you have chosen to pay by instalments, we will stop your subscription at the point of withdrawal; no refund will be given.

foundation_course_students/fc_handbook/contact_participation_withdrawal_refunds.1606907399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/02 12:09 by admin
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