UNIT 11: Herbal Approaches to Common Conditions 3

UNIT 11: Herbal Approaches to Common Conditions 3


This is the last of three units in which we take an in-depth look at conditions commonly seen by medical herbalists and other primary care health workers.


  • Consider the patho-physiology of irritable bowel syndrome, and of some commonly encountered skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis
  • Review each condition from a Western herbal viewpoint, with particular emphasis on how the approach of the phytotherapist differs from that of conventional medicine
  • Investigate some of the conventional drugs and treatments that may be offered in the conventional management of these conditions
  • Explore the use of self-help, diet and lifestyle changes in the management of IBS and common skin conditions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of Section 1, you will understand the scope of This unit which

  • Describes important clinical red flags relating to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and common skin conditions that may require urgent help or investigation
  • Discusses the macro-physiological approach of the medical herbalist, and the need to work alongside the patient in a positive and constructive setting
  • Describes some of the strategies that the medical herbalist may employ to ‘optimize’ the patient's own healing responses
  • Names some of the key functional foods and phytochemicals that can be introduced into the diet safely in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and common skin conditions
  • Reflects on the capacity of herbal medicine to work alongside conventional medicine.

By the end of Section 2, you will be able to:

  • Describe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Describe the herbal medicine and domestic medicine approaches to IBS
  • Discuss a case history, and research the use of peppermint oil in the treatment of IBS
  • Identify red flags for IBS symptoms.

By the end of Section 3, you will

  • Describe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Describe the herbal medicine and domestic medicine approaches to IBS
  • Discuss a case history, and research the use of peppermint oil in the treatment of IBS
  • Identify red flags for IBS symptoms.
  • Have an understanding of a variety of skin conditions and their ‘red flags”
  • Be able to discuss herbal approaches to skin complaints
  • Be able to make an oatmeal compress or bath.
foundation_course_students/fc_handbook/units/unit_11_herbal_approaches_to_common_conditions_3.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/07 14:46 by pieterm
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