Foundation Course: Shopping List

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Shopping List

Updated December 2021

Shopping List

  • A small hand lens (to look more closely at plants in your vicinity)
  • Tea making equipment (so that you can try some of the herbs we discuss)

Herb List

Each month we start a new unit of information. In Units 4, 6 and 8 of the Foundation Course you will need a small sample of the following herbs to follow our plant tasting method. We introduce the plant tasting method in month 2 (Unit 2), and suggest you taste nettle, but we return to nettle in month 6 (Unit 6) as well. You may therefore like to get hold of some nettle herb (fresh or dried) in readiness for month 2, and the rest of the herbs in readiness for month 4, 6 and 8. These are the herbs we will taste in months 4, 6, and 8:

Unit 2

  • Nettle (herb)

Unit 4

  • Chamomile (flowers)
  • Lemon balm (leaves)
  • Meadowsweet (leaves)
  • Elder (flowers)
  • Fennel (seed)

Unit 6

  • Hawthorn (flowering tops)
  • Marigold (flowers/petals)
  • Lime (blossoms)
  • Lavender (flowering tops)
  • Nettle (young leaves)

Unit 8

  • Thyme (flowering tops/leaves)
  • Marshmallow (leaves)
  • Marshmallow (root)
  • Yarrow (flowering tops) Cleavers (herb)
  • Dandelion (leaf)
  • Dandelion (root)

You may like to grow and harvest these herbs yourself, you could also contact a local herbalist or supplier for a sample or 5-10g of each herb. Or, if you cannot access the herbs yourself, Anita and Mary have arranged for Medicine Tree to offer the full set of herbs as a postal sample pack especially for Heartwood students at a lower price to help with your studies. The set of organic dried herbs will be packaged for you to order by Medicine Tree herbal dispensary, and are sourced entirely from co-operatives and other fair trade producers.

Each sample pack contains approximately 5g of each herb, and the total charge is £28, including postage and packaging to the UK mainland. (Postage rates for other countries are available on request). Please contact the dispensary on 01732 871818 or by email if you would like to place an order. They will need your postal address, and a bank transfer payment from you, which they will organise with you directly.

Having a sample of each herb listed above will help you participate fully in this course. Heartwood does not receive any money from the scheme. If you have other sources of herbs you would prefer to use, or would like suggestions and contact details for suppliers that you could contact directly (particularly if you live outside of the UK), please don’t hesitate to let, the Course Administrator know.

foundation_course_students/fc_shopping_list.1638881615.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/07 13:53 by pieterm
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